there is no one size fits all...
There are a number of things to consider when it comes to the design and installation of a new sprinkler system. The most important is matching the flow and pressure of the water at the site, to the specification of the heads to get a properly sized zone. A zone sized to small and the increased pressure creates a mist or fog at each head that is easily carried away in the wind. Sized to large, your lawn will develop brown spots in early summer due to poor coverage. In either case you will be wasting water trying to keep your lawn green. Our systems are custom designed for your landscape base on the pressure and flow of water at your home.
A properly designed and installed system leads to a healthy lawn that requires less water and fertilization, thus conserving resources and reducing the environmental impact at the same time.
We install only commercial grade, name brand parts from Rainbird, Hunter and Irritrol and we guarantee these parts for three full years. From end to end, we design and install our systems using quality components that will provide years of reliable, low maintenance service.
If you like doning things yourself, we have a great "DIY" program.
Merritt Residential, LLC - (303) 688-7911

Do-It-Yourself - and we can help with the design, tips on installation and the purchase of quality parts.

Repairs and Maintenance A leaky system can waste water and your money - we can fix it or re-design it
Winterization - Protect your investment by properly winterizing your system each Fall.